The Rod Blog

20 June 2006

A Visit to the Digital Doctor

Helpful reader David seems to have decided that the picture of the One Who Blogs was too complimentary. Huh!
Get thee to a knackery, foul knave!

So he's sent me a rival version which, quite frankly, is not up to scratch. However in the interest of balance, I have decided to publish it, albeit after minor surgery from the digital doctor.
Very minor.

A little tweak helps the features.

A bit more of a tweak makes them even better.

But nothing quite beats a radical Rodofaciaplasty.

14 June 2006

Happy Birthday

For the best Dad in the whole universe.

12 June 2006

Behold, The-One-Who-Blogs

My God, look at this handsome visage!
The penetrating, eye, the steely jaw...

Do you hate photos of yourself? Here's a trick, illustrated here.

Take a picture (duh!) - hopefully one in which you look passably ok. Open it with your favourite image editor, and do the digital fiddle.

This one, I hit with the 'pastel' effect, and voila! Transformed: one very ordinary dial.

And, yes, for the bright sparks out there, I did have to trawl countless pictures for step #1 above.